Reflectiz is a cyber-security company that helps businesses mitigate privacy and security risks resulting from third-parties installed on their websites.
The blind spot of digital applications
Your website relies on digital applications for business growth, and to connect the technical dots behind the scenes. However, this kind of external code is not protected by your existing security controls, and creates new and challenging security issues.

The result: Your attack surface for security and privacy risks is larger than you think.

Eliminating the vulnerability of client-side applications.
Reflectiz creates a unique inventory of the impact of any and all digital applications on your website, identifying and mapping all 1st, 3rd and 4th party risks including compliance violations, web skimming, external domain risks, and more.

CyberRisk is an Reflectiz partner and we can help you discover your digital application blind spots and vulnerabilities before it’s too late!  Contact us today for more information!